
The Top 17 Social Media Wall Tools for Meetings and Events

Social Media Wall Tools for Meetings and Events

A social media wall for meetings and events is a display or projection that showcases real-time social media content related to the event. It allows attendees to engage with the event’s social media activity and encourages interaction and participation. Here’s how it typically works:

Aggregating Content: The social media wall collects and displays posts from various social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. It can be set up to track specific event hashtags, mentions, or posts from designated accounts.

Real-Time Updates: The wall continuously updates with new posts as they are published. This provides a live and dynamic feed of social media content related to the event.

Visual Display: The social media wall can be projected on a large screen, displayed on video walls, or shown on individual monitors throughout the event venue. It can be customized with branding elements, event logos, or other visual enhancements to match the event’s theme or aesthetics.

Moderation and Filtering: To maintain the quality and relevance of the displayed content, moderation tools can be utilized. Event organizers can moderate the posts before they appear on the social media wall, filter out inappropriate or irrelevant content, and highlight specific posts that are particularly engaging or informative.

Engagement and Interaction: Attendees can actively participate by using the event’s designated hashtag or mentioning the event’s social media account in their posts. Their content can then be displayed on the social media wall, providing a sense of inclusion and involvement. This also encourages attendees to share their experiences, insights, and feedback, creating a social media buzz around the event.

Analytics and Metrics: Social media walls often provide analytics and metrics to measure the impact and reach of the event’s social media engagement. These insights can include the number of posts, reach, impressions, and sentiment analysis, giving event organizers valuable data to evaluate the success of their social media strategy.

By incorporating a social media wall into meetings and events, organizers can enhance audience engagement, foster community interaction, and generate social media buzz. It allows attendees to see their posts showcased in real-time, encourages networking, and amplifies the event’s social media presence.

It’s worth noting that various platforms and tools, including Tagboard (as mentioned earlier), provide social media wall features specifically designed for events. These platforms offer customization options, moderation tools, analytics, and additional functionalities to ensure a seamless and engaging social media experience for event attendees.


Tagboard is a social media aggregation and display platform that allows users to curate and display social media posts from various platforms in real-time. It is commonly used for events, conferences, and television broadcasts to create interactive displays of social media content related to a specific topic or hashtag.

Tagboard gathers posts from popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and others, and aggregates them into a single feed. Users can customize the display by selecting specific hashtags, keywords, or accounts to include or exclude. The platform provides tools for moderation, filtering, and highlighting content to ensure that only relevant and appropriate posts are displayed.

Tagboard offers a range of features to enhance the social media display, including the ability to customize the visual appearance of the feed, add branding elements, and embed the display on websites or digital signage. It also provides real-time analytics and engagement metrics to track the reach and impact of the social media content.

The applications of Tagboard are diverse. It can be used by event organizers to engage attendees and promote social media interaction during conferences, concerts, sports events, or festivals. Television networks often use Tagboard to display viewer comments and reactions during live broadcasts, adding an interactive element to their programming. Additionally, brands and marketers can utilize Tagboard to curate and showcase user-generated content, run social media campaigns, and encourage audience participation.

Please note that the information provided above is based on my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. There may have been updates or changes to Tagboard since then.


Everwall is a social media wall platform that enables the creation and display of real-time social media content for events, conferences, and other gatherings. Similar to other social media wall tools, Everwall aggregates posts from popular social media platforms and presents them in a visually appealing and interactive manner. Here are some key features and functionalities of Everwall:

Content Aggregation: Everwall collects and curates social media posts from platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and others. It can filter posts based on specific hashtags, keywords, or designated accounts related to the event.

Customization: Users can customize the appearance and branding of the social media wall to match the event’s theme or brand identity. Customization options include choosing color schemes, adding logos, and incorporating visual elements to create an engaging and cohesive display.

Moderation and Filtering: Everwall provides moderation tools to ensure that only appropriate and relevant content is displayed. Event organizers can moderate and filter posts, remove spam or inappropriate content, and highlight specific posts or users.

Display Options: The social media wall can be projected onto large screens, displayed on video walls, or embedded on event websites or digital signage. This allows attendees to easily view and interact with the real-time social media content throughout the event venue.

Engagement and Interaction: Everwall encourages audience participation by displaying attendee posts, tweets, photos, and videos on the social media wall. Attendees can use event-specific hashtags or mention the event’s social media accounts to have their content featured, creating a sense of involvement and fostering community engagement.

Analytics and Insights: Everwall offers analytics and metrics to track the impact and reach of the social media engagement. Event organizers can access data such as the number of posts, impressions, reach, and engagement rates, allowing them to measure the success of their social media strategy and assess attendee sentiment.

Real-time Updates: Everwall ensures that the social media wall is continuously updated with new posts in real-time. This provides attendees with a dynamic and up-to-date display of social media content throughout the event.

Everwall aims to enhance event experiences by leveraging the power of social media and fostering attendee engagement. By showcasing user-generated content and facilitating interaction, it creates an immersive and inclusive environment where attendees can actively participate and share their perspectives and experiences.

It’s important to note that while I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the details provided about Everwall are based on my knowledge up until September 2021. There may have been updates or changes to the platform since then, so it’s always a good idea to visit Everwall’s official website for the most current information.


Sprinklr is a customer experience management platform that helps businesses manage their interactions with customers across various channels, including social media, messaging apps, email, chat, and more. It provides a unified platform for organizations to engage with customers, gather insights, and deliver personalized experiences. Here are some key features and capabilities of Sprinklr:

Social Media Management: Sprinklr offers robust social media management tools that enable businesses to monitor, publish, and engage with customers on social media platforms. It provides features such as content scheduling, post moderation, social listening, sentiment analysis, and performance analytics.

Customer Care: The platform helps organizations deliver responsive customer care by enabling agents to manage customer inquiries and issues across multiple channels. It provides a centralized inbox, automated workflows, case management, and integration with CRM systems to ensure efficient and effective customer support.

Marketing and Advertising: Sprinklr offers capabilities for managing and optimizing marketing campaigns across various channels. It provides tools for content creation, campaign planning, audience targeting, ad management, and performance tracking. These features help businesses reach their target audience and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Digital Experience Management: Sprinklr allows organizations to create and manage personalized digital experiences for their customers. It offers capabilities for website content management, digital asset management, personalization, A/B testing, and analytics. These features help businesses deliver consistent and engaging experiences across digital touchpoints.

Customer Insights: Sprinklr provides robust analytics and reporting capabilities to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and sentiment. It helps businesses analyze social media conversations, track campaign performance, measure customer satisfaction, and identify trends and opportunities for improvement.

Collaboration and Workflow Management: The platform facilitates collaboration among teams by providing shared workspaces, task assignment, and approval workflows. It helps streamline content creation, review processes, and campaign execution, improving efficiency and collaboration within the organization.

Compliance and Risk Management: Sprinklr offers features to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and mitigate risks associated with social media and customer interactions. It provides tools for content moderation, compliance monitoring, and security controls to help organizations maintain brand reputation and protect customer data.

Sprinklr caters to businesses of all sizes across various industries, including retail, finance, telecommunications, healthcare, and more. Its comprehensive platform aims to enable businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences, build meaningful relationships, and drive business growth.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021. As technology and platforms evolve, there may have been updates or changes to Sprinklr’s features and functionalities. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it’s advisable to visit Sprinklr’s official website.


Eventifier was a social media aggregation and curation platform specifically designed for events. It allowed event organizers to collect and showcase social media content related to their events, creating a comprehensive and interactive timeline of event experiences. However, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Eventifier has discontinued its services, and the platform is no longer available.

Eventifier used to aggregate posts, photos, videos, and other social media content shared by event attendees on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Flickr. The platform automatically collected posts based on event-specific hashtags or designated accounts, making it easy for event organizers to curate and display the content.

Eventifier provided features such as:

Social Media Aggregation: The platform gathered social media posts related to an event from multiple platforms, consolidating them into a single stream.

Content Curation: Event organizers could manually curate the collected content, selecting the most relevant or engaging posts to be displayed.

Visual Display: Eventifier offered customizable templates and layouts to create visually appealing displays of the curated social media content. These displays could be embedded on event websites or showcased on screens at the event venue.

Analytics and Insights: The platform provided analytics and metrics to measure the reach, engagement, and impact of the social media content generated during the event.

It’s important to note that Eventifier’s services have been discontinued, and alternative platforms have emerged to fulfill similar functions in the event industry. If you are looking for social media aggregation and curation tools for events, I recommend exploring other options available in the market, such as Tagboard, Hootsuite, Walls.io, or other social media management platforms that offer event-specific features.


Tint is a social media display and aggregation platform that allows businesses and event organizers to curate and showcase social media content in real-time. It helps create dynamic and engaging displays of user-generated content to enhance brand visibility, event experiences, and audience engagement. Here are some key features and functionalities of Tint:

Social Media Aggregation: Tint collects and aggregates social media content from various platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and more. It allows users to monitor specific hashtags, keywords, or accounts to gather relevant content for display.

Content Curation and Moderation: Users can manually curate the collected social media content, selecting and highlighting posts that align with their objectives. Tint provides moderation tools to filter out inappropriate or irrelevant content before it is displayed.

Customization and Branding: Tint offers customization options to match the display with the brand or event’s visual identity. Users can customize the layout, design, and branding elements to create a cohesive and on-brand social media display.

Display Options: Tint supports various display formats, including embedding displays on websites, showcasing them on digital signage, or projecting them on screens during events. This allows for versatile and flexible display options based on the context and requirements.

Interactive Features: Tint provides interactive features to encourage audience engagement and participation. Users can display live polls, contests, or call-to-action buttons to encourage attendees or website visitors to actively engage with the displayed content.

Analytics and Insights: Tint offers analytics and insights to track the performance and impact of the displayed social media content. Users can measure engagement metrics, monitor reach and impressions, and gain valuable insights about their audience and content performance.

Integration: Tint integrates with popular social media management tools, event platforms, and content management systems, allowing for seamless integration and data exchange.

Tint is used by businesses and event organizers for various purposes, including brand promotion, event marketing, experiential marketing, and audience engagement. It helps amplify social media presence, encourage user-generated content, and create immersive experiences that foster a sense of community and interaction.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021. While I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, there may have been updates or changes to Tint since then. It’s always advisable to visit Tint’s official website for the most current information and features.

Hootfeed by Hootsuite

Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no product called “Hootfeed” by Hootsuite. It’s possible that the name you mentioned may refer to a feature or service that has been introduced by Hootsuite after my knowledge cutoff.

Hootsuite is a well-known social media management platform that allows businesses to manage and schedule their social media content, monitor social media conversations, and analyze social media performance. However, it’s always recommended to visit Hootsuite’s official website or contact their support team for the most accurate and up-to-date information about their products and services, including any potential features related to social media feeds or displays.

I apologize for any confusion caused and encourage you to reach out to Hootsuite directly to inquire about the specific feature or service you are interested in.


PresentersWall is an interactive audience engagement tool that enables presenters and speakers to interact with their audience during presentations, conferences, or events. It offers various features to facilitate real-time interaction, gather feedback, and enhance audience engagement. Here are some key aspects and functionalities of PresentersWall:

Live Polls and Surveys: PresentersWall allows presenters to create and display live polls or surveys to the audience. This enables real-time feedback gathering and facilitates interactive discussions and decision-making.

Q&A Sessions: The platform provides a dedicated Q&A feature that enables audience members to submit questions directly to the presenter. This allows for efficient and organized question management and enhances audience engagement during the presentation.

Word Clouds and Open-Ended Questions: PresentersWall allows for the creation of word clouds and open-ended questions. These features enable presenters to gather audience opinions, ideas, or responses and display them visually in real-time.

Moderation and Filtering: The platform offers moderation capabilities to ensure that the displayed content is appropriate and relevant. Presenters can review and approve questions, filter content, and control what is shown on the screen.

Audience Response and Voting: PresentersWall enables audience members to participate in live voting and polling activities. This fosters engagement and provides valuable insights into audience opinions or preferences.

Visual Customization: The platform allows presenters to customize the visual appearance of the displayed content to match their branding or presentation aesthetics. Customization options may include choosing color schemes, fonts, and background designs.

Real-Time Display: PresentersWall offers a real-time display of audience responses, questions, and poll results on a large screen or projector. This enhances the overall presentation experience and encourages active participation.

PresentersWall aims to create an interactive and engaging environment during presentations or events, allowing presenters to involve their audience, gather feedback, and promote active participation. By utilizing these interactive features, presenters can create more dynamic and memorable experiences for their attendees.

It’s important to note that while I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the details provided about PresentersWall are based on general knowledge. There may have been updates or changes to the platform since my last knowledge update. For the most accurate and current information, I recommend visiting the official PresentersWall website.


Walls.io is a social media aggregation and display platform that allows businesses, event organizers, and individuals to create interactive social media walls. It aggregates content from various social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and more, and presents them in a visually appealing and engaging format. Here are some key features and functionalities of Walls.io:

Social Media Aggregation: Walls.io collects and curates social media content by tracking specific hashtags, keywords, or designated accounts from multiple social media platforms. It provides a centralized platform for gathering and displaying user-generated content related to a brand, event, or topic.

Customization: Walls.io offers customization options to match the visual branding and aesthetics of the social media wall with the brand or event. Users can customize the layout, design, colors, and fonts to create a cohesive and branded display.

Moderation and Filtering: The platform provides moderation tools to filter out inappropriate or irrelevant content before it is displayed. Users can manually moderate the content and remove any posts that do not meet their guidelines.

Interactive Display: Walls.io offers interactive features to encourage audience engagement. Users can display live polls, contests, or call-to-action buttons to drive participation and interaction with the displayed social media content.

Display Options: Walls.io supports various display options, including embedding the social media wall on websites, showcasing it on digital signage, or projecting it on screens during events. It allows for versatile and flexible display configurations based on the needs and context of the users.

Analytics and Insights: Walls.io provides analytics and insights to measure the impact and reach of the social media content displayed on the wall. Users can track engagement metrics, monitor post activity, and gain insights into audience behavior and sentiment.

Integration: Walls.io integrates with popular social media management tools, event platforms, and content management systems. This enables seamless integration and synchronization of social media content between platforms.

Walls.io aims to enhance audience engagement, create social media buzz, and promote user-generated content. It is commonly used in various scenarios, including events, conferences, trade shows, brand activations, and social media marketing campaigns.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021. While I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, there may have been updates or changes to Walls.io since then. For the most accurate and current information, I recommend visiting the official Walls.io website.


If Crowdscreen is a specific platform or service you are referring to, I recommend visiting their official website or conducting a search online to gather more information about their features, capabilities, and how they can be used for social media aggregation and display purposes.

Alternatively, if you have any other questions or need information about other social media aggregation and display platforms, feel free to ask, and I’ll be happy to assist you.


SocialBee is a social media management and scheduling platform that helps businesses and individuals automate and optimize their social media presence. It offers a range of features and tools to streamline social media posting, content curation, audience engagement, and analytics. Here are some key features and functionalities of SocialBee:

Social Media Scheduling: SocialBee allows users to schedule and automate their social media posts across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. Users can create a content calendar, plan their posts in advance, and schedule them to be published at specific times.

Content Categories and Posting Queues: SocialBee enables users to categorize their social media content and create posting queues. This helps ensure a diverse mix of content and maintains a consistent posting schedule across different topics or themes.

Content Library and RSS Feeds: The platform offers a content library where users can store and organize their evergreen content, allowing them to easily reuse and repurpose posts. Additionally, users can connect RSS feeds to automatically pull in relevant content from their preferred sources.

Social Media Analytics: SocialBee provides analytics and insights to track the performance of social media posts and campaigns. Users can monitor engagement metrics, follower growth, and post reach to assess the effectiveness of their social media efforts.

Audience Engagement and Automation: The platform offers automation features such as automatic social media post recycling, content promotion, and response automation. These features help users engage with their audience consistently and efficiently.

Content Curation and Recommendations: SocialBee provides content curation capabilities, suggesting relevant and trending content for users to share. It helps users discover engaging content from trusted sources and industry influencers.

Team Collaboration and Approval Workflow: SocialBee allows multiple users to collaborate on social media management. It offers features such as team roles, content approval workflows, and task assignments to streamline collaboration and ensure brand consistency.

SocialBee caters to businesses of all sizes, entrepreneurs, agencies, and social media managers who want to streamline their social media management process, save time, and improve their social media presence. It aims to simplify social media scheduling, content curation, and audience engagement through its comprehensive set of features.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021. There may have been updates or changes to SocialBee since then. For the most accurate and current information, I recommend visiting the official SocialBee website.


Falcon.io is a social media management platform that offers a comprehensive set of tools and features to help businesses and marketers effectively manage their social media presence. It provides solutions for social media listening, publishing, engagement, analytics, and customer experience management. Here are some key features and functionalities of Falcon.io:

Social Media Publishing: Falcon.io allows users to create, schedule, and publish posts across multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. It provides a centralized platform for managing and executing social media content strategies.

Social Media Engagement: The platform offers features to monitor and engage with social media conversations. Users can respond to comments, mentions, and direct messages from a unified inbox, enabling efficient and timely engagement with their audience.

Social Media Listening: Falcon.io provides social listening capabilities, allowing users to monitor and analyze conversations happening on social media platforms. It helps track brand mentions, industry trends, and customer sentiments, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Content Calendar and Collaboration: Falcon.io offers a content calendar where users can plan, organize, and collaborate on their social media content. It facilitates team collaboration, content approval workflows, and ensures consistent messaging across social media channels.

Social Media Analytics: The platform provides robust analytics and reporting features to track and measure social media performance. Users can access metrics such as engagement, reach, impressions, conversions, and audience demographics to evaluate the impact of their social media efforts.

Customer Experience Management: Falcon.io offers customer experience management capabilities, including social media monitoring, customer data management, and sentiment analysis. It helps businesses understand and respond to customer needs and feedback effectively.

Ad Management: Falcon.io integrates with popular advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads and Google Ads, allowing users to create, manage, and optimize social media advertising campaigns directly from the platform.

Falcon.io is designed to streamline social media management workflows, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall effectiveness of social media marketing strategies. It caters to businesses of various sizes, including agencies and enterprise-level organizations.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021. There may have been updates or changes to Falcon.io since then. For the most accurate and current information, I recommend visiting the official Falcon.io website.


Lucidya is a social media analytics platform that provides businesses with insights and intelligence derived from social media data. It uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to analyze and understand social media conversations, sentiments, and trends. Here are some key features and functionalities of Lucidya:

Social Media Listening: Lucidya collects and analyzes data from various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more. It monitors conversations, posts, comments, and mentions related to specific topics, brands, or keywords.

Sentiment Analysis: The platform employs sentiment analysis algorithms to determine the sentiment behind social media posts and comments. It categorizes sentiments as positive, negative, or neutral, providing businesses with insights into customer opinions and perceptions.

Trend Analysis: Lucidya helps identify emerging trends, topics, and hashtags within social media discussions. It enables businesses to stay updated on the latest industry trends and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.

Competitive Analysis: The platform allows businesses to track and analyze their competitors’ social media activities. It provides insights into competitor mentions, sentiment analysis, and performance metrics, enabling businesses to benchmark and improve their social media strategies.

Influencer Analysis: Lucidya identifies influential social media users and analyzes their impact and reach. It helps businesses identify potential influencers for collaborations and partnerships and measure the effectiveness of influencer marketing campaigns.

Real-time Monitoring and Alerts: The platform offers real-time monitoring of social media conversations, allowing businesses to stay informed about relevant discussions as they happen. It also provides customizable alerts for specific keywords, mentions, or sentiments.

Reporting and Data Visualization: Lucidya generates comprehensive reports and visualizations to present social media insights and analytics in a clear and actionable format. It helps businesses understand social media performance, audience behavior, and engagement metrics.

Lucidya is used by businesses across industries to gather market intelligence, monitor brand reputation, measure campaign effectiveness, and make data-driven decisions based on social media insights. By understanding customer sentiments, identifying trends, and tracking competitors, businesses can optimize their social media strategies and enhance their online presence.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021. There may have been updates or changes to Lucidya since then. For the most accurate and current information, I recommend visiting the official Lucidya website.

Unamo Social Media

Unamo Social Media is a social media management and analytics platform that helps businesses and marketers streamline their social media efforts and track their performance. It offers a range of features and tools to manage social media accounts, monitor social media conversations, analyze social media data, and improve social media engagement. Here are some key features and functionalities of Unamo Social Media:

Social Media Management: Unamo Social Media allows users to manage multiple social media accounts from a single platform. Users can schedule and publish posts, engage with their audience, and monitor their social media presence.

Content Planning and Publishing: The platform offers a content calendar and scheduling tools to plan and organize social media content in advance. Users can schedule posts for specific dates and times across various social media platforms.

Social Media Listening and Monitoring: Unamo Social Media provides social media monitoring capabilities to track brand mentions, keywords, hashtags, and competitors’ activities. Users can monitor social media conversations, engage with their audience, and identify relevant trends and topics.

Social Media Analytics: The platform offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features to measure the effectiveness of social media campaigns. Users can track key metrics such as engagement, reach, follower growth, and website traffic generated from social media channels.

Competitor Analysis: Unamo Social Media allows users to monitor and analyze their competitors’ social media strategies and performance. Users can gain insights into competitor engagement, content strategies, and audience demographics to benchmark their own performance.

Social Media Engagement: The platform provides features to interact with the audience, respond to comments and messages, and manage social media conversations effectively. Users can engage with their audience in real-time and foster meaningful interactions.

Team Collaboration: Unamo Social Media offers collaboration tools to streamline teamwork and communication. Users can assign tasks, manage approvals, and coordinate social media efforts within their team.

Unamo Social Media aims to simplify social media management and analytics, enabling businesses to optimize their social media presence and improve engagement with their audience. It caters to businesses of all sizes, digital agencies, and social media managers.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021. There may have been updates or changes to Unamo Social Media since then. For the most accurate and current information, I recommend visiting the official Unamo website.

Social Media Wall

A social media wall, also known as a social wall or social feed, is a display that aggregates and showcases social media content from various platforms in real-time. It allows users to curate and display social media posts, including text, images, videos, and hashtags, in a visually appealing format.

The primary purpose of a social media wall is to engage event attendees, website visitors, or customers by showcasing user-generated content and creating a sense of community. It can be used in a variety of settings, including conferences, events, trade shows, retail stores, websites, and digital signage.

Social media walls typically gather content from platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others using specific hashtags, mentions, or keywords. The displayed content can be moderated and filtered to ensure appropriate and relevant posts are showcased.

Benefits of using a social media wall include:

User Engagement: By displaying user-generated content, social media walls encourage audience participation, increasing engagement and interaction with the brand or event.

Brand Visibility: Social media walls provide an opportunity to showcase brand mentions, user testimonials, and positive feedback, enhancing brand visibility and reputation.

Community Building: Social media walls create a sense of community by bringing together social media content from various users and platforms, fostering connections and conversations.

Real-Time Updates: Social media walls display content in real-time, allowing attendees or website visitors to stay up-to-date with the latest social media activity related to the event or brand.

Content Curation: Social media walls enable organizers to curate and display the most relevant and engaging user-generated content, ensuring a high-quality and visually appealing display.

There are various social media wall platforms available that offer different features and customization options. Some popular social media wall platforms include Tagboard, Tint, Walls.io, and Crowdscreen, among others.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or changes to social media wall platforms since then. It’s always recommended to visit the official websites of specific platforms to get the most accurate and up-to-date information.

CloudSocial Social Media Management Platform

CloudSocial is a social media management platform that helps businesses and marketers efficiently manage their social media presence. It offers a range of features and tools to streamline social media activities, monitor conversations, analyze performance, and engage with the audience. While I don’t have access to real-time information about specific platforms, here are some common features you may find in a social media management platform like CloudSocial:

Social Media Scheduling: The platform allows users to schedule and automate social media posts across multiple platforms in advance. Users can plan their content calendar, choose specific dates and times for publishing, and ensure consistent and timely posting.

Social Media Listening and Monitoring: CloudSocial enables users to monitor social media conversations, keywords, hashtags, and mentions related to their brand or industry. This feature helps businesses stay updated on customer feedback, industry trends, and competitor activities.

Analytics and Reporting: The platform provides analytics and reporting features to track the performance of social media campaigns. Users can access metrics such as engagement, reach, impressions, follower growth, and more to evaluate the effectiveness of their social media efforts.

Social Media Engagement: CloudSocial facilitates interaction with the audience by offering features for responding to comments, messages, and mentions from a single dashboard. Users can engage with their followers, address customer inquiries, and manage social media conversations effectively.

Content Management: The platform allows users to create, store, and manage social media content in a centralized location. Users can organize their content library, access images, videos, and other media assets, and streamline the content creation process.

Team Collaboration: CloudSocial offers collaboration and workflow management features to enhance team efficiency. Users can assign roles, permissions, and tasks to team members, track progress, and streamline social media management processes.

Social Media Advertising: Some social media management platforms, including CloudSocial, may integrate with advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads or Twitter Ads, enabling users to manage and optimize their social media advertising campaigns directly from the platform.

Please note that the specific features and capabilities of CloudSocial or any other social media management platform may vary. It’s always recommended to visit the official website of the platform to get the most accurate and up-to-date information about its features, pricing, and other details.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a comprehensive social media management platform that helps businesses manage and optimize their social media presence. It offers a range of features and tools to streamline social media workflows, engage with the audience, analyze performance, and measure the impact of social media efforts. Here are some key features and functionalities of Sprout Social:

Social Media Scheduling and Publishing: Sprout Social allows users to schedule and publish social media posts across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Users can plan their content calendar, choose specific dates and times for posting, and ensure consistent messaging across platforms.

Social Media Monitoring and Listening: The platform provides social media monitoring capabilities, allowing users to track brand mentions, hashtags, keywords, and relevant industry conversations. Users can monitor and engage with their audience, identify trends, and stay updated on social media activities related to their brand.

Social Media Analytics and Reporting: Sprout Social offers robust analytics and reporting features to measure the performance of social media campaigns. Users can track key metrics such as engagement, follower growth, reach, impressions, and click-through rates. The platform also generates customizable reports to visualize data and identify trends and patterns.

Social Media Engagement and Inbox Management: Sprout Social provides a unified inbox to manage social media interactions from different platforms in one place. Users can respond to comments, messages, and mentions, assign tasks to team members, and streamline communication and collaboration.

Social Media Listening and Trends: The platform offers social media listening tools to help users identify emerging trends, topics, and conversations relevant to their brand or industry. This feature enables businesses to stay ahead of the curve, engage in timely discussions, and adapt their social media strategies accordingly.

Social Media CRM: Sprout Social includes customer relationship management (CRM) features to manage and track customer interactions on social media. Users can view customer profiles, track conversation history, and gather valuable insights to personalize engagement and enhance customer relationships.

Team Collaboration and Workflow Management: Sprout Social facilitates team collaboration by allowing users to assign roles and permissions, collaborate on social media content, and track team performance. It streamlines workflows and ensures efficient social media management within organizations.

Sprout Social is used by businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to enterprise-level organizations, across various industries. Its features are designed to help businesses enhance their social media presence, improve engagement, and drive meaningful results.

Please note that the specific features, pricing, and other details of Sprout Social may have changed since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend visiting the official Sprout Social website.


Sendible is a social media management platform that helps businesses and digital agencies streamline their social media activities. It provides a comprehensive set of features and tools to schedule and publish social media content, engage with the audience, monitor conversations, and analyze performance. Here are some key features and functionalities of Sendible:

Social Media Scheduling and Publishing: Sendible allows users to schedule and publish social media posts across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Users can plan their content calendar, customize posts for each platform, and ensure consistent messaging across channels.

Social Media Inbox and Engagement: The platform provides a unified inbox to manage social media interactions from different platforms in one place. Users can view and respond to comments, messages, mentions, and replies, enabling efficient engagement with their audience. Users can also assign tasks and collaborate with team members for improved workflow management.

Social Media Monitoring and Listening: Sendible offers social media monitoring features to track brand mentions, keywords, hashtags, and industry conversations. Users can monitor relevant discussions, stay updated on trends, and engage in timely conversations. The platform also allows users to set up social media listening streams to monitor specific topics or user-generated content.

Analytics and Reporting: Sendible provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to measure the performance of social media campaigns. Users can track key metrics such as engagement, reach, follower growth, and click-through rates. Customizable reports help visualize data and demonstrate the impact of social media efforts.

Social Media Content Library and Collaboration: Sendible allows users to store and organize their social media assets, including images, videos, and other media files, in a content library. This feature streamlines content creation and facilitates collaboration within teams.

Team Collaboration and Workflow Management: Sendible offers features to manage team collaboration, assign roles and permissions, and streamline social media workflows. Users can create approval workflows, assign tasks to team members, and ensure efficient collaboration and communication.

Client Management: Sendible includes client management features, making it suitable for digital agencies. Users can manage multiple client accounts, assign access levels, and provide white-labeled reports and analytics.

Sendible is used by businesses, marketers, and digital agencies to enhance their social media presence, streamline their social media management workflows, and drive better engagement with their audience.

Please note that the specific features, pricing, and other details of Sendible may have changed since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend visiting the official Sendible website.




